Saturday, January 7, 2012

What do I do with this horribly dramatic girl?

I have a friend named Kendra who I have gone to school with since 3rd grade we are now in 7th grade together and she is very dramatic and not the greatest friend ever. She used to carry around a clipboard with her and give us points on how good of friends we were and take away points if we did something she didn't like. Then she would get mad at us for no reason and not tell us what we did and when we asked she would say, "Don't act like you DON'T know!" and never tell us then she would mysteriously start being nice to us again. None of my friends like her at all and even my boyfriend can't stand her. Then she'll do these things where she will text me and ask me all these questions like what is your bra size and clothes size and how much do you weigh and I tell her and she's like wow you're skinny and compliment me. Then she does this thing where she'll ask me what my opinion is on diabled people and christians and I tell her my honest opinion and she get mad at me. One time out of no where she freaked out on me saying, "I can never be like you: the pretty popular girl who loves her boyfriend more than any of her other friends and loves to hang out with her cousin and her really cool boyfriend." When I defended myself she just got even more mad. Then one day at lunch our group was sitting on the hill at our school and she came up to us with this other girl who also caused a lot of drama saying people ignored her and they said they wanted to do a skit. It was basically them pretending to be us and show us how we ignore them. My cousin and I just left and when I talked to Kendra about it over the phone she was mad cause she wanted us to stay and watch so I told her I didn't have to have my undivided attention on her 24/7 like she wanted because I have other friends too and I didn't want to be lectured on how bad of a friend I was. What do I do about her because I just handle all the stress she's giving me.

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